Sponsor an Elder

Our featured beneficiaries each face extraordinary challenges of neglect, loneliness, and isolation, leaving them vulnerable and in dire need of support. Learn about their unique circumstances and struggles and consider how your compassion and generosity can bring hope and relief to their lives. Your support can provide vital resources, medical attention, emotional comfort, and livelihood assistance required to help them Age with Dignity.

Adebo Lucy

Adebo Lucy, a 90-year-old widow, is childless after losing all six of her children. She lives in a dilapidated grass-thatched hut with her granddaughter. Blind and crippled, she struggles to make a living by crawling to till her garden, further injuring her legs. Adebo Lucy urgently needs mobility aid, preferably a wheel chair, as well as livelihood support to improve her quality of life and alleviate her profound isolation and neglect.

Iyomu Majeri

Iyomu Majeri is 96 years old, a widow with no children. She lives alone in a ramshackle grass-thatched hut and is unable to walk, so she must crawl on her knees. Due to her physical limitations, she cannot perform basic chores or tend to her basic needs like collect drinking water. She relies on the kindness of well-wishers for food, although she attempts to grow her own food by crawling and tilling a small vegetable garden, which further injures her body

Erumu Laberito

Erumu Laberito is 87 years old, a widower who currently relies on the care of his equally impoverished son. Unfortunately, his son is frequently away doing errands to make ends meet, leaving Laberito feeling lonely and worried. Meals are hard to come by, and he often depends on well-wishers to bring him food. Adding to his struggles, he suffers from severe cough and ulcers, worsening his condition.

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